fuck you I dont need no love
fuck you I dont need no love
Self sufficient, I like it! >: )
I think your art looked good
sorry for not replying sooner I forgot I made an account here. thanks!! :)))
hope this evil man get killed for his actions
Don't worry. He will. I'm placing a lit big cartoon circular black bomb beside him.
I wanted to work on my SCP comic, but I realised it would take 4 months to finish, and I hated drawing it. Also congratulations on the winners.
Aw, I hope you work on it someday! More comics, more better! 💖
I kinda wanna 3d module this
Fair warning! You might explode into a fine mist.
I have no idea. Looking at half the time to clarify that you add too much detail on the pages, making it hard to read when working in black and white, you can make it where the character blends in the background easily. My favourite pages are the last pages where I can tell which is the character and the background. and sometimes I can't tell what part of a character is what. On page 5, you introduce a character. I don't know what part of his face was or what that was—a hat or something.
Im sorry, readibility is one of the most important stuff in a comic aaa
if you dont mind sppecificating about it, is it because the paneling, the pacing, the use of BnWs?
I would like to understand what to do better next time
I have a feeling you saw a person like this and said, "I want to draw her."
i saw the coat and thought it rocked, worn by a dude tho
this is pretty accurate
Canada can just quit at this point
I figured it out hehee
man I didn't see it coming Maybe I shouldn't have put 50 candles in my room; I could have avoided setting my house on fire.
listen i had the same thoughts but HEY lolol
This is really good I love how you use pattern really good damn
Thanks! It's fun to do heavy dithering
Joined on 3/12/21